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Great concept, but…

Review from Delvers LLC →

Would you say that listening to this book was time well-spent? Why or why not? I did not care for this book, too much rehashing of previous story line, gratuitous vulgar language, and weak development, in my opinion.

Pretty awesome once it starts rolling

Review from Otherlife Dreams →

the mastering of the audio is a little off in the beginning but that doesn’t last very long otherwise audio levels for the different parts of the narration are great. once it starts rolling it’s pretty awesome definitely going to check out the next book

strange charictar voices/sappy romances

Review from Star Shroud →

Would you recommend this book to a friend? Why or why not? no. didn’t like the production. Russians sound like Scottish thugs. liked the action sequence at the asteroid station. the story doesn’t flow well. didn’t like the writing style.

Fun, but …

Review from Delvers LLC →

I enjoyed the story and concept. My only problem was all the self deprecation and internal strife. I understand that it help shows the characters’ personal growth, but when added up it was hours worth. I too have had personal life issues, but I don’t go through life second guessing every action or having conversations..

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Drop Off Ending

Review from The Anonymous Source →

I liked the story but it seemed a little too long. It was a lead in to another story. If it had some kind of wrap up or if it brought the story around, I would have given the story 4 stars. I guess the title really fits.

Kind of everywhere

Review from The Eaton →

I didn’t feel like the book was ever actually scary. Gory yes, but making you think about it after reading? Not really. The flashbacks were particularly annoying and often made what would happen next very predictable. The flashbacks also detracted from the story and authentic character building. About a third of the book takes place..

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Review from Land of Gods →

Loved every bit and especially being able to listen instead of reading was great. I was able to go for a walk or do housework while listening and enjoyed this amazing story.

Rather orginal

Review from Clan →

At this point, I seem to be the only reviewer who actually bought this book. I vacillated between 2 stars (ok) and 3 (liked it). I decided 3 simply because the author had an original take on clones and did an excellent job of character development with the three friends that was believable. But the..

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