Great listen got a lot of enjoyment out of it .Great work by the author and the narrator !PaNCAKES! ,cant wait for book 2
Loved it
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If you could sum up Super Sales on Super Heroes in three words, what would they be? So freaking funny! Who was your favorite character and why? Andrea, she is honest and hilarious. Which scene was your favorite? I haven’t finished the story yet, I have about 5 more hours until the end. If you..
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If a clicker game were a super(hero?) story, it would read something like this. In fact, the book itself hangs a lampshade on this fact when it points out the similarities between the main character’s power and a simple video game. This isn’t a story driven by a complex plot. It’s probably not going to..
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Which character – as performed by Jeff Hays – was your favorite? All of them, it’s a simple as that. The narrator is great and some really interesting sound editing tricks went into this one. Honestly, the voices are so distinct that I’m not convinced that this book had only one narrator. Was this a..
The pancake reference that lasts for an entire book, gets stale quickly and the idea needs to be thrown out the back door for some kind of animal food. As a person I was ready to choke on the word pancake after and about the third reference.The story is okay, but it is marginally worth..