Love a good super book. Story feels like a game of the rts evil Genius. Love the characters were fun and story was fast moving. Only complaint is there is a lot of characters and not everyone get the attention they deserve. My only real complaint is how the lead character describes people and powers..
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This book is written with faaar more care than it could have been. It is deliberately designed to make you feel uncomfortable, but in the same way as a roller coaster: ‘This is not normal and I am perilously close to death but oh god the adrenaline and difference from normality I need more’. That..
This book was interesting from beginning to end. It’s the first book in a long time that I had to make myself stop listening so I could go to bed. All the powers in this book are kind of cookie cutter, all but one. The main characters power is what makes the book. Well that..
An interesting read
Review from Super Sales on Super Heroes →
A somewhat unique story that I quite enjoyed. While I would certainly recommend it, I think my only complaint would be the “point sheets” and “character sheets” that show up quite often. While valuable information and no doubt easy to use in a normal book.. on audio it gets frustrating having the narrator read the..
I approached the notion of a heroic(or at least protagonist) capitalist vindictive slave owner with skepticism. But it didn’t last long. This is a classic example of a book that got written when someone had a silly notion, and committed to playing it out. Plot holes are surprisingly few and acknowledged by characters where they..
great stsrt.
Review from Super Sales on Super Heroes →
The story is really good, what happens when a morally ambiguous yet fair person realizes they gave God like powers if they own super human’s. A wide array of characters keep the story intriguing without using the tired trope of average guy gains super powers and must immediately save himself and his loved ones from..