The story wasn’t bad. Typical trapped in a Game scenario that is normal for the LitRPG genre. It wasn’t a bad book, it’s only real detractor was the absolutely awful high pitched squeal / whine that insist on using when some of the characters talk and absolutely annoying echo effect when the MC is thinking..
View: thumperthumb - page 2685
good book
Review from Dante’s Immortality: Beginnings →
The story is very different as far as Super Powered fiction goes. It goes places a lot of writers in this PC age would fear to tread. (Slavery has some good points in the story) But I feel Mr Arand pulls it off quite well. I like the various characters and the narrator is one..
Addicting amd awesome
Review from Challenge →
Great book.
Review from Super Sales on Super Heroes →
Review from War Aeternus: The Beginning →
fun perception
Review from Life Reset: A LitRPG Novel →