This book starts with a full chapter long prolog because the author is apparently super proud of his cliche framing device. It then proceeds to introduce the main character as a spineless lackwit. That’s when I stopped listening because, honestly, why would I want to listen to that?
View: thumperthumb - page 2683
This book is absolutely mad with the variety of themes and genres it fits under. However, it doesn’t try to be big, in fact it seems to try to be smaller than it could be. The book will present a concept that has a ton of implications in regards to the world, such as resurrection..
I come from reading book series like Throne of Glass, Eragon, Percy Jackson, Kane Chronicles Apollo’s trials, A Hesitant Hero, and most recently Everyone loves huge Chests (and others) ( book details / recommendations on y to get it, no spoilers in last paragraph) All the book series I read seem to have a common..
i need more
Review from Dante’s Immortality: Beginnings →
Good story
Review from Super Sales on Super Heroes →
Review from Dungeon Lord: Otherworldly Powers →
I don’t understand
Review from Everybody Loves Large Chests →