View: tbaldree - page 9

amazing gem

Review from The Beginning After the End: Publisher’s Pack →

I really can’t find a reason to complain. The pacing was phenomenal. it’s an over the top fantastical journey so far. The character development and relationships are amazing.I love it most books around this genre get a little tedious and annoying nothing like that in this. kudos to turtleme your turtley enough for the turtle..

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Review from Unsouled →

The main character is interesting and the magic system. the plot is a little lacking, but overall enjoyed it. will be checking out the next book

still good

Review from Convergence →

still a great series, this book was mostly all about training though which was kind of boring after awhile but leaves off on a good cliff hanger

not for me…

Review from Soulsmith →

Not a fan of stories that are centered around idiotic and absurdly naive MCs that’s main if only characteristic is being a good person who works hard… … about 90%+ of this story the MC gets trampled , treated like shit , and completely overrun just to have some type of last minute mostly symbolic..

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