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Divine Comedy, Arrested Development style

Review from Zeus Is Dead →

This was an amazing experience overall!The story is extremely enjoyable, interesting and unpredictable. It has a few references that are a little out of place.The performance is honestly the best audiobook I’ve ever heard. I’ll look for more things Travis Baldree reads, for sure! He’s great at making characters stand out during scenes with lots..

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If you draw … you pull

Review from The Razor →

This is a really fun nonstop action fast paced prison escape story. Reminded me a bit of Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country with a alien prison planet that the main characters are trying to escape mixed in with a bit of Riddick’s universe. The setting is quite exciting and so is their battle for..

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I should’ve listened to the reviews

Review from Zeus Is Dead →

After reading other peoples reviews saying this was overall a mediocre story I thought well maybe I’ll enjoy it and turns out everyone was right. The idea alone of having Greek gods returning to modern day society was super interesting and I feel like it was a wasted in this story. There were certain parts..

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A raw and gritty galactic prison story!

Review from The Razor →

The Razor by J. Barton Mitchell and narrated by Travis Baldree is an audible book I requested and the review is voluntary. This book starts out very raw, gritty, and terrifying as the reader is introduced to the prison planet. The characters, the projects, and lives of those that live there are revealed slowly as..

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