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Really Disappointed…

Review from Uncrowned →

Compared to the rest of the books in this series this one felt incomplete. Normally the books have a complete sub-plot to them while pushing the main story forward. Uncrowned either didn’t have that or I was able to catch what the subplot was.

Now going back to waiting again

Review from Uncrowned →

Just finished the book and it was amazing. I expected some new developments at the tournament, but nothing like the breakneck pace at which the story develops. Will wrote on his blog that he took some inspiration from Naruto. I watched that series many years ago and I believe I recognized some small parts of..

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A lot of action

Review from Uncrowned →

Ther is alot more action in this book and a lott of room where i think more carracter growt and social interaction or exploration could have bean done. the book is great and this only minor opinions of a reader who want more cradle.

Over before I knew it!

Review from Uncrowned →

Before I say anything I want to say that this book was fun! Really fun!!! I laughed a lot while listening. Oh and cheered out loud, and probably sneered more than once at some unlikeable characters (you’ll know who I’m talking about once you read it). And every time I thought I guessed the direction..

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: (

Review from Uncrowned →

Travis Baldree (the narrator was amazing as always. I have been looking forward to this book since I finished Underlord (and as soon as I finished Underlord I immediately started it over again). However, I don’t plan to listen to this book again any time soon. It felt like we got half the story, everything..

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keeps on giving

Review from Uncrowned →

This series is a joy to read and I always hungrily await the next one. This book in particular was amazing and might just top Ghostwater as my new favorite. I’ll know for sure after another listen.

the author is a mean mean person

Review from Uncrowned →

seriously, you give us the next book in the series and end it like that! you cold evil little man. that was one of the biggest cliff hangars I have ever come across. the rest of the book was amazing. dont you dare yank our chain for the next year making us wait.