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DULL DULL DULL & boring.

Review from Unsouled →

Oh dear yet again another Daily Deal that has great reviews & falls flat on its face. It is so slow, one can tell from the off that this is written to introduce characters, location & sub plots setting up the story for the next book in the series. It is one long winded intro..

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Review from Unsouled →

It definitely gets points for creativity. but it just didn’t capture me. The narrator wasn’t very engaging so maybe a different one could have helped. to be fair this isn’t my normal genre of book.

Narrator too fast

Review from Unsouled →

I had a lot of trouble following along a strange world with a deeply complex structure by a narrator that was trying to win a race! If he had slowed down not only would I have understood the story better I would have enjoyed the storytelling.

Boring Lazy Resisting Expectations

Review from Knight Shift →

The author continues to resist expectations. There are massive holes in the story. It will be the most frustrating listen you will ever have. In the first book that was a huge big deal about soles in this book he barely a uses them and they just magically disappear when he needs them most without..

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