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Get this today.

Review from Unsouled →

I read a lot of sci-fi/ fantasy (40 to 60 a year) and this one is a delight. It’s a great start to a hero’s journey. It reminds me of blend of the tv show Avatar the Last Air Bender crossed with Jim Butcher’s Codex Alera. Don’t get me wrong. This is a very unique..

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Should Be Labeled as YA Fiction

Review from Unsouled →

Half way through and so far story is okay but definitely YA. Books need to be properly tagged so the buyer knows what they are getting. Maybe, in fairness as I’m not finished, the subsequent books mature though I likely will not get them based on this.

I enjoyed it

Review from Unsouled →

this book has a bit of a different take on otherworldly powers, I rather enjoyed learning about the new would I just found. I also just bought the next book, I bet it will be great.

Meh ..

Review from Unsouled →

It’s OK. There are certainly much better fantasy options out there. The story is ok, the narration is pretty good, but unless you really don’t have anything else to listen to I’d look elsewhere.