View: tbaldree - page 798

better than the first three

Review from Skysworn →

I’m not sure if the author reads these reviews. One major issue I have is every situation the MC is hanging on by a thread. What this does to the reader is to make us numb to any exciting climaxes or when it was truly spectacular. I was left with an attitude of yep did..

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Still waiting

Review from Soulsmith →

Bought on sale. Hasn’t absolutely captured me but since I own the whole series I’m willing to give it the college try. Definitely better than book one. Curious about book three. Character development was better this book. World and magic system are unlike anything I’ve ever been introduced to.

a better option

Review from Unsouled →

is any other book series than this. will made this and other books in the world with a sufficient level of internal consistency. however Uncrowed tosses that out the window. if you want a good ending this series will does not currently provide it.

a joke

Review from Soulsmith →

will made this and other books in the world with a sufficient level of internal consistency. however Uncrowed tosses that out the window. if you want a good ending this series will not currently provide it.

dont go any further

Review from Blackflame →

will made this and other books in the world with a sufficient level of internal consistency. however Uncrowed tosses that out the window. if you want a good ending this series will not currently provide it.

turn back

Review from Skysworn →

will made this and other books in the world with a sufficient level of internal consistency. however Uncrowed tosses that out the window. if you want a good ending this series will not currently provide it.

end of the story is neigh

Review from Ghostwater →

will made this and other books in the world with a sufficient level of internal consistency. however Uncrowed tosses that out the window. if you want a good ending this series will not currently provide it.