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Review from Unsouled →

Will Wight creates a captivating world of martial arts. Linley is a deeply intriguing character whose search for power becomes the focal point of this story. Travis Baldree does a fantastic job bringing the characters to life.

let Travis and Will Wight whisk you away!

Review from Skysworn →

Wei Shi Lindon continues to follow the dangerous and forbidden path (forbidden because the path he walks always leads to insanity and destruction) of the Blackflame Warrior! People distrust him because of his warrior image, so when Lindon would join the Skysworn and fight alongside them, all they see is a monster…but Lindon with his unique,..

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Wow, what a book and series ARC! Love!

Review from Underlord →

Wow, I love this book, and this series! I can’t believe that I’m actually saying this, but I believe that it’s unseated my all-time favorite series (Codex Alera by Jim Butcher) and taken 1st place (and, I’m saying this before the Cradle series ARC has been completed)… Will Wight’s fantastic writing and the nods he makes..

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Finally not as cringy

Review from Skysworn →

I kept listening on the previous book on 2x because if how cringy I found the Main character and the general culture…not anymore, the main character finally grew some spine, and people spent less than half their time pretending to be “humble”. But It was worth the wait. 🙂

A Need To Binge-Listen This Series

Review from Skysworn →

Another one down and downloading the next. This series keeps getting better and better and the voice acting is superb. The main characters’ development and background is expanded. New characters are introduced. And the universe is expanded and fleshed out. This series keeps ramping up and hasn’t disappointed yet.


Review from Unsouled →

This series as well as the narrator are absolutely fantastic, I find myself wanting to listen to the whole series again.

Worth the wait

Review from Underlord →

Lovin’ this story now. I am getting weary of fight scenes. Author has great creativity with them, there are just a lot of them. I miss orthos, I love dross, I’m skeptical about lindons trajectory.

still just half a book

Review from Blackflame →

The characters are still flat. They do things that are inconsistent and don’t make sense. Everything is about cheating and advancing by any means and any shortcut. The magic system is a complete rip-off of Dakota Krout’s Dungeon Born series. I wonder if they are best friends or if Wight is going to get sued..

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