View: tbaldree - page 791

Continues to be amazing

Review from Underlord →

This series continues to be absolutely wonderful and amazing. The performance is spectacular and each character is voice individualized. Love draws, laughed at the bloopers at the end, but can’t quit listening to any of it. Will Wight is amazing!

Waiting sucks

Review from Uncrowned →

I Hate to wait for the next book in a series but this series that really didn’t call to me in the beginning became an obsession. I found myself thinking about madra, lindon and train in the most random circumstances and since nobody I know personally has read this book, I’m left with inside jokes..

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Unlikable Main Character

Review from Mythian →

I feel like this series has potential, but there were a few issues that could be fixed. This is a world where old people are sent to live in virtual realities to cease being a drain on society. Ethan thought his wife had died but he learns from a shady character that his wife is..

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Review from Wizardoms: Eye of Obscurance →

I totally enjoyed reading this book. It’s well written and the characters were fantastic. I would suggest this book to my friends that like this sort of genera. this was an excellent book


Review from Wizardoms: Eye of Obscurance →

This book was fast-paced and exciting. I really liked the world the author created, but he did not reveal too much, so there’s still enough intrigue to keep me wanting more! I will definitely be picking up the next installment whenever that is ready! I’m a big fan of the narrator, however, his take on..

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New Favorite

Review from Blackflame →

I’ve been lost for some good sci-fi since I finished the Bobiverse series, and happy to have discovered this series by Will Eight. Join Linden on his journey from bullied to humble power. It fun, exciting, and the relationship between characters is authentically written. The narration is excellent! This narrator is on top of his..

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Fantastic Continuation

Review from Uncrowned →

Epic fantasy with cultivation meets Dragon Ball Z. Humorous character in impossible situations, and just when you think the stakes cant be raised any higher, the ceiling gets blown off. Cant wait for the next one!