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Coming of age

Review from Blackflame →

I admit it…I love coming of age stories. It’s fun to see the underdog grow. Without giving away the story line, that’s what is happening in these (books 1-3) stories. Also, less predictable than other similar stories. A big thumbs up from me!

Thoroughly enjoyed

Review from Skysworn →

I’m still really enjoying this series! I’ve never really found any of it to be predictable. Always trying to guess peoples plots. The writer still finds ways to add new elements and characters, and keep me interested. Will continue the series!

Love this series!

Review from Uncrowned →

Can’t wait for the next ones! I really enjoyed the “bloopers” on the last few books ?. Great job all around for everyone involved in making these, thank you!

Kept me engaged

Review from Soulsmith →

Great writing and character development. It lags sometimes because it spends too much time on setting and world building for my taste, but this universe is also truly original. I hope this series moves beyond the “might makes right” power hierarchy thing, if so this series has the potential to create a truly beautiful and..

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Review from Ghostwater →

The characters in this series are so well defined by the author, and so intimately portrayed by the narrator, it is like listening to the most talented actors, actresses and screenwriters imaginable. I absolutely love this series and love these characters. Some, like the construct Dross (freaking hilarious!), The Sylvan seed Little Blue (darling!) the..

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