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One of the Most Unique Magic Systems

Review from Underlord →

This series continues to dazzle as we follow our heroes in their journey through adversity and advancement. Will Wight breathes so much life and individuality to the major characters, adding to the realism of the story. But what dazzles most of all is the world he creates and the magic system that’s both fascinating and..

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Truly a Great Story!

Review from Unsouled →

This is a great start to what feels like will be a great epic. It is in the cultivation genre, and is truly a great story. The only thing that takes away from the book–is the lackluster summary provided–ignore it. If you like cultivation books, pick this one up, you will not be disappointed.

Not for everybody

Review from Skysworn →

I enjoyed the first couple of books, so I think Will Wight created an interesting universe to explore. However, the plot is too drawn-out for me. The level-up mechanism & constant battles can’t sustain my interest in the books once I’ve grown familiar with the world. If you really enjoyed the first books in the..

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