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Mostly Action in this Installment

Review from Uncrowned →

This book keeps up with the quality of the series to date. The main focus on this one seems to be action-oriented. We go through plenty of fights and are always learning more about the fascinating and unique magic system. The story of our main characters doesn’t seem to progress all that much, but we..

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Action packed!

Review from Balance of Magic →

This story was full of action and excitement. The story is full of narrow escapes and surprises. The main characters were great and funny to listen to quarrel back and forth. Lots going on in the story, and Definitely one to pay close attention to so you get the whole epic landscape. I was given..

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Exhilarating adventure

Review from Blackflame →

Could not stop. Kept listening until 5 in the morning until I finished it. The narrator is so good, especially the way he portrayed Eithan’s arrogant tone. Lindon and Yerrin continue to improve their arts and are put into very tough situations that they struggle to overcome. So far, the story doesn’t let up and..

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