View: tbaldree - page 76

The Longest Book Yet!

Review from Wintersteel →

All I can think to say is that it is my favorite book in a series I already thought of as my favorite series. I loved every moment of this book and found myself surprised in the best of ways more than once. This series doesn’t miss.

The Tournament Begins

Review from Uncrowned →

I imagine most readers of the Cradle series enjoy a good tournament arc. Even if they don’t usually, I imagine they’ll enjoy this one. Lindon’s finally being thrown against the best of the best and being introduced to the greater powers of Cradle never stops being entertaining and I can only hope you enjoy this..

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Another Home Run

Review from Underlord →

Underlord is a stand out book even in a series as beloved as this, It really feels like Lindon and everyone else in the main cast are given a chance to shine. While their story is as entertaining as I’ve come to expect from Cradle, the “villains” in this book really felt like they stood..

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Characters are getting worse

Review from The Eye of the Bedlam Bride →

This book was PAINFUL to finish. With every book, Carl is shown to be more of a pansy, whiny wuss who willingly allows himself to be walked over. Donut is a horrible “person?”. She causes most of their issues, constantly insults Carl despite him being the only reason she continues to live and still partly..

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