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Finally a crafting book

Review from Fresh Blood →

Code Review I enjoyed the crafting and base building in this book. I’ve read series like Viridian Gate Online and Dungeon Lord because I’ve wanted to listen to a book about settlement building/crafting. I really like that the author struck a balance between adventure and the crafting/building. Most books will start with some building and..

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let me explain

Review from Axiom: A Divine Dungeon Series →

I’m giving this book a 3 out of 5 only because I have to have the next part of it to completely judge weather this story is justifiable for needing to exist. I love an expanded universe for this franchise and I genuinely love this character and as good as the story progression was in..

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Great book.. great start

Review from Fresh Blood →

Awesome book. I am giving this review having received a promo code. The story is well flushed out, the characters are easy to relate to and like, the narration is better than average, but not my favorite. Overall the book left me wanting a sequel to listen to! I do recommend!

good story average performance

Review from Unsouled →

First book of the Cradle series, introduces us to the world, primary characters and “magic” system. Overall, a good start to the story of Lindon that begins slow but picks up and keeps moving at a good pace. The narration was off for me. Not bad mostly, but just not stylistically my preference in how..

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Review from Balance of Magic →

In this book, the balance of magical powers is disturbed. The story of the characters struggling through multiple plot lines is great. The narrator does a fantastic job giving life to the characters!