View: tbaldree - page 749


Review from Ghostwater →

make sure to listen all the way to the end. it is well worth the time. This story is another growth opportunity for our now many heroes. Gosh the number sure is growing as each book comes out. I hope most of them survive

could have been a great book

Review from Fresh Blood →

The problem is it’s just so improbable that somebody would put up with ( Trent ) another person yelling and screaming at them all day and still stick around. as well as it feels like emotional abuse for the listener. I would not get this book.


Review from Axiom: A Divine Dungeon Series →

I loved this book. It included everything I enjoyed from the Divine Dungeon series, and it engaged deeply with its most clever and interesting ideas. Here, though, it does so from a human perspective (rather than from the Dungeon’s eye’s view). That then affords some additional opportunities for storytelling. But you don’t need to have..

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