View: tbaldree - page 740

A Dresden knockoff

Review from Death Rites (The Lazarus Codex) →

This book feels like a self-published homage to Jim Butcher’s Dresden Files series, and at times it verges on being too blatant a rip-off. The pop culture references feel jarring and out of character for the rest of the dialog from our first-person protagonist. The narrator has a great voice, which only suffers when he..

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Interesting Twists

Review from Ghostwater →

Just as the book seemed to be getting a bit predictable, this volume stretched the story in several unexpected areas. Still prone to lapses of completely improbable events. I want to finish the series but I am getting ready for this story to come to an end.

Wow, fantastic story!

Review from Of Sea and Shadow →

Wow! What an interesting way to tell a story. Leave it to Will Wight to come up with this unique tale… I just finished careening from the end of Of Shadow and Sea, and rushed head-long into this story. So first there was Shera’s perspective as an assassin of the Consultant’s Guild, and this time we..

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