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A nice gem

Review from The Beginning After the End: Publisher’s Pack →

What an interesting perspective on reincarnation. However, it is a little challenging considering that some of the other characters are actually children and not an older man in a child’s body. But, it is amusing seeing how others react to the MC in different situations. I am interested in seeing how the MC progresses.

When the good guy is a bad guy

Review from Unsouled →

I don’t know about the hype. This book promotes the bad guy doing bad things knowing his ultimate destiny warrants it. I’m sure it goes somewhere great but without an actual story and something for me to believe I’m in out of this series.

Unique LitRPG

Review from Street Cultivation →

I loved this book, the characters were unique, had fantastic growth and, they are very relatable. Furthermore, the magic system lends itself to the development and made the world feel real. Also, keep listening until the end for an April Fools chapter that was featured on the author’s Patreon, it was hilarious.


Review from Ghostwater →

I loved the book but let’s be honest, that post book bloopers moment was easily the Pinnacle of the book. I wish that every book had them.