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Review from Death Rites (The Lazarus Codex) →

This is yet another largely disappointing clone of Jim Butcher’s Dresden Files, complete with gods, ghosts, magic, necromancy and the ubiquitous tough, skeptical, female police detective. It’s rather predictable, but not unreadable. However, nothing really stands out as unique and nothing makes me want to read any more of the series.


Review from Wizardoms: Eye of Obscurance →

A clever thief is bested by a training magician. They were after the same amulet and the same goal. They needed to use it to bring somebody of high power down. Somebody who has been corrupt for a long time and was bringing everything down. They eventually decide to work together to increase the chances..

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Review from Of Sea and Shadow →

Frankly I’ll be sticking to this side of the storyline. It’s night and day different, and better than it’s counterpart narrated by Emily Zeller (the narration of that one is really good, it’s not the problem). Shadow and Sea just doesn’t work for me. It’s a dry, dark, adventure of a sociopath that doesn’t have..

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Predictable tropes.

Review from The Beginning After the End: Publisher’s Pack →

If I were to describe this book series it would be predictable trope city.There are so many tropes and cliches that I could guess the plot points and nearly every situation he found himself in.Arrogant young masterSpecialmsword that only he can useAfinity for all the elementsDragon «blessing»Dragon pet/ companionHiding true powersAll these and more where..

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Review from Unsouled →

Fantastic book, characters you actually care about. A story about struggling to be your best and the drive to do it. The magic idea is new & very cool. You will love it I promise!!!

Fun read.

Review from Shallow Grave →

I’ve found that it’s usually around book 3 of books with this many entries that the author finds a plot to span multiple titles and this one is no different. These books are fun, but nowhere near thorough enough to fully satisfy me. I picked them up as a Dresens Files alternative and though these..

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