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Review from Ghostwater →

Why does he seem to like running on fumes? He won’t take a second to make his life so much better. If you can take a few hours while you’re safe, why not cycle for awhile?

The BS of it

Review from Skysworn →

Ethan or whatever the spelling and Linden just pissed me the F*** off with there BS. Bandage face and maybe her sister should have been killed if they wanted me to be okay with ALL the other garbage they spit about the world. No, it’s not okay or enough to just take losing an arm…

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Insomniacs love.

Review from Axiom: A Divine Dungeon Series →

If you’re having trouble sleeping and meet something so mindlessly listen to this is the book for you. As the author drones on through the 1st half of the book where nothing happens and it’s hard to understand The plot, An old man rambles. Feels like a story written by a senile person not quite..

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