View: tbaldree - page 698

So good

Review from Convergence →

Can’t wait for the next one an excellent continuation of the and story cliff hanger was a bad one left me drooling for more

Half a book

Review from Convergence →

Firstly, I’d like to say that I am a large fan of this series and will continue listening in the future. That being said, the pacing and “climax” of this entry into the series left much to be desires. The good: The writing is just as good as the rest of the series. In fact,..

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should have been a PP of 5 and 6

Review from Convergence →

I’ve liked all the other books because they went somewhere. This offering though well written was a half a story total. Once the character is built in this branch of the adventure and stuff starts to happen the book ends. The author did such a good job building the world that’s where the action should..

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Highly Recommend this Series

Review from Convergence →

The Beginning After the End Book 5: Convergence is yet another example of author TurtleMe’s growing abilities as a writer to not only engage his reader’s but transport them to a magically unique world of his creation, as should be the primary goal of all writers, even more so those of fantasy fiction. Once again..

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Lots of training

Review from Convergence →

I don’t know what I want from these books anymore. This was just 9 hrs of training. That’s it. Personally I think this is the weakest book. You meet more characters that you don’t have to care about while ones from the last books are forgotten. I’m not jumping ship just yet, but this was..

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Nothing happens

Review from Convergence →

Story in this particular book pales in comparison to the prequels. Nothing significant happens and they somehow stretch a training montage of the main character out to 8 hours. The last hour is the only thing of any significance.