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Long Beard at his best again.

Review from Arsenal →

It should be a crime for how much of an emotional rollercoaster this book can be. Want to know what the old codger was doing on Mountain Dale? Get this book. Heck get this book because the trend has continued for another amazing addition to this series. Great job on the authors part and Travis..

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Way better than original Divine dungeon series.

Review from Arsenal →

It could be difficult to follow the last book in particular without having at least listened to the first divine dungeon book. Aside from that Artorian is infinitly better protagonist than Dale in every way. He’s smart, caring, charismatic, determined, and above all, smart. Did I say smart twice? Yes. I apore dumb protagonists. Dale..

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nothing happened!!!

Review from The Second Betrayal →

these books have a great story line I mean who doesn’t love the hole chosen by a goddess to fight in a war thing. but nothing has happened!!! sure we found out a few interesting things but other than that all that happened was them gaining a couple of levels and spending most of the..

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