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Leaves you wanting more.

Review from Mythian →

Didn’t know what to expect with this new author new to me. But I wasn’t disappointed although short this book is a great read and leaves you wanting to dive into the next installment in the series. I know I can’t wait to read what happens next with Ethan.

Too much cultivation churning

Review from Alumni: A Divine Dungeon Series →

Dennis Vanderkerken, Dakota Krout are both very good writers but spending half of the book on his experience with the wood elves and cultivating minutia was torture, even given the welcomed introduction of Ember. The 2nd half of the book brought the story back on the mainline pursuit of Artorian’s quest to rescue his enslaved..

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Great Second Book

Review from The Second Betrayal →

Great continuation from the first book. MC is still figuring out his powers this book takes the same feel as the first and has him working with more of a team. The comedy is as good as the 1st book with some repetition it doesn’t feel overdone making it feel more like your in on..

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original and compelling

Review from Dungeon Configure →

this was one best most original dungeon cores that’s been released in a long time, I was hooked and knew I was going to love it the moment the dungeon found it’s fairy. Can’t wait for book 2.