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Great conclusion

Review from Of Kings and Killers →

Very well written series. I loved the duel perspectives. This plot line really grew on me in the end. I thought it was fun that it had a cradle connection, too. Baldree did a fantastic job with this entire series.

Agree with several other reviews

Review from Transcendence →

I do apologize that I’m repeating what others have mentioned. This book was 70% training, 20% flashback, and 10% forward progress. I’m hoping this is used to build something into the flashbacks. It’s nice to have some backstory but we’re technically I’m Book 7 and in my opinion if you were going to explain younger..

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Overall enjoyable

Review from Transcendence →

Love the story so far, and Travis always gives a great performance. My only con is the overall progression is slowing down. But I assume it’s building up to something big based on this one’s ending. Can’t wait to hear the rest!

Good premise but suffers from one element

Review from A Snake’s Life →

A Snake’s Life has a great premise and interesting world. The main character isn’t too much of a dunce and side characters while one-dimensional, are interesting. However, this series suffers greatly from power-creep and differing power levels. The main character’s challenges are not very challenging at all. The abilities that he obtains and his growth..

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