View: tbaldree - page 613

A DUNG Beetle?

Review from Giantlands →

I mean, really? Wasn’t just a “beetle” a lame enough power up? You had to make him a shit beetle? A beetle.. The blue DC beetle hero is the worst.. Beetles are a lame bug.

It was ok

Review from A Thousand Li: The First Stop →

It’s hard to follow the story when the voices are done the same and all the names are multiple names random varieties of which are used. I liked the story but it was very confusing when conversations happened between multiple characters. I think the names are based of mandarin so if someone speaks both that..

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Review from Arsenal →

Is it weird that I like Artorian’s story more than Dale’s. I think a lot of it has to do with the narrator. He just projects a perfect image of the man.

Interested to see where it goes

Review from Sages of the Underpass →

First off, practically anything Travis Baldree narrates is good. This story was a little slow to start but the characters have enough depth to keep you listening. It’s not a Gary Sue conquers the world of cultivation story but it’s a good old underdog tale. The terminology isn’t clearly defined anywhere in the book but..

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