View: tbaldree - page 61

Great progression

Review from The Second Betrayal →

I am loving both the story progression and the character as well. it really seems that the author took time to think like a deity setting plans in motions on a grand scale. Knowing that there are 8+ books is amazing and I cannot wait to start book 3 right now.

Hemingway’s a hack

Review from The Eye of the Bedlam Bride →

do you want to know for whom the bell tolls ? It tolls for me. Why? Cause I have to wait another year for another book. My life consists of forged prescriptions, casual encounters on Craigslist and the patreon updates of one, Matt dinniman. The funny thing is, it’s all worth it. Buy the book,..

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Favorite Entry so far!

Review from Underlord →

I’ve grown to love the climaxes of these books! I always know that the last 2 or 3 hours is going to be a thrill ride that you just have to do your best to hang on to! This book had some legitimately emotional beats, some fantastic action, and the last chapter and epilogue leave..

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Good but I could do without one bit.

Review from Wintersteel →

Spoiler warning. I like the story but the relationship seems forced. I would have preferred it stayed platonic. Just doesn’t feel like it fits with the characters for me. People can be friends and challenge each other and share deep love for each other without it having to be romantic love.

Is this guy for real?

Review from Childgrave →

This has got to be the worst “protagonist” ever. He instantly falls in love with this woman because of her…countenance? Who can say? It’s definitely not because of her personality which he’s taken NO time to get to know, and which by all accounts, is about as interesting as a wet blanket. And then, the..

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