View: tbaldree - page 609

Pacing of story all wrong

Review from Axiom: A Divine Dungeon Series →

Our hero’s journey is to rescue his adopted children who have been abducted. This scenario evokes a sense of urgency that’s a good one to drive the story. Except that it doesn’t. Our hero stops to learn cultivation and, by the time he does, his children are already grown. That’s a huge mismatch between motivation..

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Freedom Isn’t Free

Review from Fulcrum of Light →

I enjoyed this book even more than Book 1. C. J. Aaron introduced a whole new cast of characters, including antagonists, monsters and associates. a new land and more diverse challenges. Ryl and Andr find themselves in the Outlands with Ryl seriously debilitated due to the poisonous treatment he was given during his stay at..

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