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Unique changes

Review from Dungeon Configure →

I think this is a good story that changes the usual troupes of the Dungeon core style. First, it removes the campanion of the dungeon core. So, no annoying fairy or pixie who doesn’t help the story except to say “Can’t do that” or “That’s unique, and you’re unique for doing so.” Second, the dungeon..

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Personally I love it, though i understand.

Review from Uncrowned →

No one ever likes a cliffhanger as large as this one. Most of the books have atleast come to what felt like a solid “resting point” where something has been clearly achieved and the next destination is set. this one is just. . . bleh? Other complaints such as the “romance” will differ person to..

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Old school good versus bad

Review from A Snake’s Life →

Love that the main character has no problem killing people he thinks are bad and protecting people he thinks are good. Bad equals people he doesn’t like. Good equals people he likes. Simple. No teen age angst about “ I don’t know if I can I just don’t know if I can “ Its just..

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Just amazing

Review from Arsenal →

The stories just keep pulling you deeper and deeper. I can not wait for the next book at all! The performance is top notch and keeps true to other books that reference back to the story.