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Best of the series

Review from Wintersteel →

This is the best book in the cradle series. I couldn’t help but laugh, smile, and hold my breath the whole book. Felt like he wrote it directly for his fans. Couldn’t put it down. Brings so many things full circle it is so satisfying

my favorite series

Review from Acme →

Everytime i reach the end of these im sad there isn’t more. Artorium is up to his regular hijinks and making new friends and its hilarious and fun the whole way through


Review from Uncrowned →

An extremely solid and pleasant read. Will does a superior job of weaving storytelling and real life lessons of struggle and overcoming.

The more you know Artorian the more you love him.

Review from Arsenal →

This series keeps getting better and better. Travis’ narration is so comforting I can hardly wait to continue on to the next in the series. This book finally connects a ton of plot-lines from throughout the Divine Dungeon universe together in such an interesting way. It is not only world building at some of its..

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When an entire book is a climax

Review from Wintersteel →

Uncrowned perfectly set this up to start on a high and keep building. Everything is high stakes but the book never feels like it’s too much. The pacing is incredible giving you down moments throughout the chaos. Travis does another spectacular job as the narrator. However, I gave Performance only 4 stars as some of..

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