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Best of the series

Review from Wintersteel →

Thankfully this was not a cookie cutter story, right when you think something is going to a certain way wham! It hits you over the head and says pay attention this is a wild and crazy ride, so sit back and listen and don’t try to predict what’s going to happen. Narration was great.

The bridge we needed.

Review from Acme →

First I will start by saying the last line made no sense to me as I thought all of Artorians loved ones were still in stasis and I thought he had come to love and mentor that group of bards. Other than that we got what we needed, we saw how etherium started and how..

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Another gem and a half!!

Review from Wintersteel →

If you’ve listened to the first 7 books, this book is a must have obviously. It has all the elements you’ve come to love in the Cradle series and more. Some questions that you’ve had from the beginning are answered in very satisfying ways and there are still many more to be answered in the..

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Great book

Review from Wintersteel →

Its a great book that does the previous books in the series justice and has maintained the same quality as the other books in the series.