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Review from Wizardoms: A Contest of Gods →

Tears of joy, tears of grief. A truly moving epic adventure. I came to know the characters so well that I was truly saddened whenever one of them died. Jeff Kohanek has written a classic tale that will entertain for years to come. Travis Baldreeā€™s narration is also a gem.

Very Good Follow Up

Review from Wintersteel →

With the tournament broken into two part over this and the last book, I was a bit worried that this book might have been the inevitable predictable wrap up of the last, but there was plenty of content and twist to keep everything interesting. Great Book!!

Superior storytelling and superior narration

Review from Wintersteel →

the 14 hours seemed like 8 Not one single book in the series has disappointed. This book is really part 2 of Uncrowned, the book that preceded this one. Characters progression and personal stories, excellent. Arc story, excellent Villain’s, excellent (some sympathy but not enough to turn the story gray) Comedic interludes and injections, excellent..

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love this series

Review from Pyramid Game →

I thought the first book was amazing but this one definitely surpassed evey expectation. the character growth is far beyond anything I have expected. There is at least one character you will relate to. On top of that an amazing plot that takes you away!