View: tbaldree - page 525


Review from The Second Betrayal →

Honestly, such a good read. At first I was a bit accept skeptical about the main character being so clumsy and foolish. But it eventually started making me laugh, there is a clear course if development happening and I’m excited to see how the team grows. Highly recommend for those looking for a good book.


Review from Axiom: A Divine Dungeon Series →

I was a little worried by some of the previous reviews that I had seen on here but to be honest I thought this was a great book! I love the main character! I always enjoy a story that explains the magic or powers of its world in depth rather than just some vague explanation..

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Even better than the first one

Review from Pyramid Game →

this book was better than first. which is something I find rarely happens. while enjoyed the first one there just didn’t seem to be a sense of danger and peril as they fought the 4 horseman, (except death lol) u just felt like it was dnd game and they would win somehow. this would felt..

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Glutony is op

Review from A Snake’s Path →

It made me sad how his glutony kept upgrading like could you imagine getting close to a family member and just having them turn into nothing and vanish it was kind of a major buzz kill for the book but I powered through