View: tbaldree - page 524

consistently inconsistent

Review from Lair →

Only good as background noise.. The story has glaring consistency problems throughout with stats and world conditions changing with no care for what was said before. Every problem in the novel is solved by plot armor with some lucky skill or accident happening to save the main character. The powet scaling for enemies that the..

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Well done

Review from A Thousand Li: The Second Expedition →

This series continues to be the best written series by Tao Wong. The characters have an incredible amount of depth. There has yet to be a book in this series that did not suitable character progression. Also, I must say the pacing is perfect. I can’t imagine how intricate the plot outline must be. well..

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Fun, but kinda pointless

Review from Acme →

This whole series has been great. I love the character-centric stories. Especially when the main character is a lovable, laughable, grandfatherly old man. The problem with this book – and honestly, I saw this coming – is that… what is there to do now? Everything? Is that interesting? I guess it can be. The main..

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Glenn Rolfe perfection!

Review from Land of Bones →

This review is for the audio book. I received it in exchange for a honest review. I read this back in 2018. It was my first Glenn Rolfe book and i loved it. So when i started the audio book, I remembered some stories but not all of them. OMG! The narrators! There is so..

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Review from Skysworn →

story seems to be stagnating. very little truly seemed to be achieved aside from displaying more world building. no character growth readily apparent. rather slow. if it doesnt pick up I’ll be dropping the series. VA was wonderful as always. good vocal range and consistency. good pacing. good audio quality.

it was ok

Review from Blackflame →

great narration, VA has a great vocal range and pacing. story was good however it didnt feel like a full story but rather a bridge between two. not much seemed to be achieved. not much character growth, rather more like character stagnation.