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An amazing flushing out

Review from Unity →

Carl does an amazing job filling out the characters in this one, he shows us the characters and builds them into people with wants, desires, and motivation. We get to see Gus’s struggles with his own inner self doubt that keeps hitting close to home over and over again(at least for me, it’s like the..

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Almost better

Review from Grave Measures →

Honestly was skeptic whether the second book would be better. With steady character progression and growing tensions i think the third will either bring the story to full stride or buckle under hype. only time will tell and I had to give it a second listen to fully enjoy and have the book sink in…

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Repeat of book 2, sort of

Review from Unity →

At the end of the previous book, our protagonist, Gus, had achieved some personal insight, growth, and self-confidence, after having spent most of the book wallowing in self-pity and self-criticism. At the start of book 3, he starts that all over again, as if the conclusion of the previous book never happened. In fact, it’s..

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Looking forward to Book 5

Review from A Thousand Li: The Second Expedition →

Great progression of the storyline. Loved the development of the main character. Looking forward to how all Long’s skills will come together in future books, especially if his sense of smell improves his other practices further, beyond the evolution of his spirit plant gathering. Also wondering if the mushrooms and other lotus will have unexpected..

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Great fantasy story with a great performance.

Review from Soulsmith →

Will has a fantastic grasp of how to write action-oriented fantasy. His writing is tight and his characters, both heroes and villains are relatable. This young author has realized that what makes a good story great is a good villain. What makes a good villain great is making them relatable. Jai Long is a great..

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