View: tbaldree - page 488

ooo shiny

Review from Lair →

I your a bibliophile who’s obsessed with litrpg than you’ll love this book. with and interesting new take on the genre and an intriguing power system.


Review from Shadeslinger →

First off, let me just say: Frank is by far one of the funniest characters. Are there Frank memes yet? If not, there should be. Secondly: If you ahven’t already, pick up this book. Not only is it 20 plus hours of LITRPG fun, but the characters are all believable and fun. Sure, Ned pulls..

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Great Book

Review from Shadeslinger →

I loved this book tbh, it’s got a bright future for sure. It was a good level of crunchy for me, I like crunchy. and the building seems to be a key point of the series instead of an afterthought. I’m excited to see where this is headed.


Review from Unsouled →

The story is well read.I feel vested in the characters and want to experience more of their story.I was glad to see the path of the Unsouled extended further than 1 book.I’m looking forward to the rest of the series.