View: tbaldree - page 428

A western spin on an eastern trend

Review from A Snake’s Life →

Lets get the first thing out of the way, while this was written by an author from the western it uses a very popular recent trend in eastern comics, the Isakai or to those not familiar with the trend a person from one world where things are mundane or ordinary being transported or reborn into..

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gave up on 2nd book

Review from Soulsmith →

I am not a fantasy fan. last fantasy I read was the Hobbit In 1971 (the only decent read in the whole series, just my opionion). Gave the first book in this sreies a try, struggled threw it and gave up by the third chapter in this book. If this yout thing fine have at..

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Waste of money

Review from Shadeslinger →

Near raider‘s voice was fine but I can’t even give this one starit’s just like listening to a virtual game it’s so dang boring.Looks like I have to give at least one star but my choice would’ve been zero stars.