View: tbaldree - page 424


Review from Acme →

People may complain about this book, but it is exactly what it needs to be. A new world needs new world building and Artorian is still the same entertaining old man. Sure there may not be a BBEG, but this answered questions I had about the Completionist Chronicles.


Review from Unsouled →

Right off the bat, the story felt a bit cliche, but I ended up enjoying it regardless. That was in large due to the story feeling like an classic action anime series. However, the narrator was rather dull without much variety to his voice.

Bad Dresden Fanfic

Review from Death Rites (The Lazarus Codex) →

This is not a book. This is what happens when fat, blue haired, lazy, unoriginal Tumblr bloggers write Dresden fanfiction then do a search and replace in notepad. If it were written better, a reasonable length, and if it weren’t literally marketed to make you think it’s related to the Dresden Files (go look at..

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Meta and marvelous!

Review from Zeus Is Dead →

Hilarious from the start. The voice narration is wonderful—handling the tongue-in-cheek humor well. The story was clever and the “self-aware”/satirical moments from the omniscient narrator added a few Terry Pratchett-like layers to the experience. It was a fun listen.