View: tbaldree - page 402

What the heck was this?

Review from Divergence →

This is what happens when an author only writes for long world count instead of good storytelling. I’m considering dropping this series. -too many damn POVS – so much filler -boring af -the MC went from smart in the earlier books to just brainless. Doesn’t make his own decisions anymore. What the hell was this?..

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Cute, funny story

Review from Zeus Is Dead →

Somewhat reminiscent of Christopher Moore. The narration speed is wonky at first, but gets better as it goes on. I had to set it to .85 speed to slow it down at the beginning, and normally I have to speed audiobooks up. I don’t know if it was a recording issue or a narrator issue,..

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so very good

Review from Shadeslinger →

This was an excellent book. it too a bit to get into, but once you’re hooked you’re hooked for the book. the narration is top notch as well. it’s got a fantasy feel, and if it wasn’t for the stats could almost pass as fantasy instead of litrpg. I would definitely recommend this book !

Not Bad

Review from Shadeslinger →

The story was a little silly, but that wasn’t unexpected. Not a bad idea, but dead spots in story progression. would have been better if it was more “new world” and less RPG.