View: tbaldree - page 34

no bloopers

Review from Skysworn →

this book is also perfect but sorry low rating as there are no bloopers. Travis even has to lose a star as if I was in his shoes I would have demanded bloopers too

Summary is misleading.

Review from Nemesis →

The overall structure of the story well done but can be lost in the multiple shifts in point of views. I am disappointed that the Summary provided at the time of this review is misleading and not totally relevant.

Flavorless but wholesome.

Review from Shadeslinger →

The MC was good albeit a bit boring but the story had enjoyable banter. Support characters are interesting enough. The mascot characters (Frank and House) were actually funny and cute unlike other novels were the author thought it would be funny to make them unendingly annoying and snarky. Is that supposed to endear them to..

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Unusually good

Review from Unsouled →

I was hesitant when reading the description of this book. It sounded like a martial arts fantasy for YA, which is not my cup of tea. Luckily I gave it a go. I’ve now devoured the entire series and I loved them. It is a little battle heavy, and the “magic” system is a bit..

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