View: tbaldree - page 3

Didn’t like it. Not finishing the series.

Review from Unsouled →

The main character was grating. I didn’t find him likeable. There was minor growth in the latter part of the book, but it seemed very minor. I wasn’t really rooting for him. Since the book was solely focused on him, there were almost no secondary characters. They all fell into tertiary or passing roles. The..

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Derailed from a real storyline into a political crusade. If it feels like you’ve heard the story before, it’s because you have.

Review from The Beginning After the End: Publisher’s Pack 2 →

If I wanted a political book, I’d have bought one filed under that listing. It’s disappointing because this author clearly has good writing skills, and the ability to craft a story. I question any politics that take over peoples lives to this extent, where it leaves them unable to craft any new story without embedding..

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