View: tbaldree - page 256

what a freaking slog

Review from Unsouled →

This story has the pacing of a one legged man with a clubbed foot. World building is supposed to be gradual and organic, not a sentencing. I know some are fans but this is not for me.

The Dragon Advances

Review from Blackflame →

Another exciting entry in the Cradle saga. Lindon and Yerrin have made progress. Lindon’s Sylvan Riverseed is back and useful. The dreaded duel with Jai Long is not yet here, but he did much preparation for it. His Riverseed enables him to offer some healing to several in dire need of it. Looking forward to..

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Very good

Review from Street Cultivation 2 →

This book is very enjoyable. The only thing that I didn’t like(and another person mentioned this) is that you can tell the author is purposely fighting against the op Mc trope as well as others. The book is still great but there were several missed opportunities. One dealing with a cloud wolf but oh well…

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Review from Transcendence →

People need to realise a training ark is important, the same people complaining would be complaning even more if Arther just got strong in 1 hour. In this book we get alot of backstory, this is important. In the backstory we get yo know Arther’s past and build a closer relationship with the main character

Money suck

Review from Unsouled →

After finishing the second book I couldn’t go further with the series and wish I never would have purchased this book. This book would never have been published before digital format became popular because no one would have taken the time to buy the second book. It would make a decent first part of a..

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Amazing book!

Review from Convergence →

I really loved this book, I show some complaints before reading and thought I would be disappointed. But I still thoroughly enjoyed it, though I’m pretty patient and enjoy long drawn out stories so it could be just me. The last hour was definitely the most eventful but Art did grow a lot and surprised..

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