View: tbaldree - page 241

Great so far

Review from Soulsmith →

The more I listen to Travis the more I appreciate the way he performs every character. I know I said he sounded like the writer in the lighthouse on the purge planet in Rick and morty, but I found that I quite like it. He puts so much into each character that I feel like..

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second book curse

Review from Organ Grind →

They say the second book in a series is the most difficult. I hope it is true because I had some hope after the first book. The problem is that the author has given the character too much room to grow, emotionally and intellectually. You spend most of the book wondering when the main character..

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Great Series

Review from Ghostwater →

I realize I haven’t reviewed any of the other books until now… mostly due to jumping into the next without thinking. However, this story starts slower but ramps up into this massive world adventure. Awesome and unique plot/progression. I wish these books were twice as long. Great series and looking forward to the next one!..

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Rick and Morty?

Review from Unsouled →

Almost dropped this title because of how the reader sounded. It wasn’t that he was bad it was more so that he reminded me of the cat person from Rick and morty. That one episode where they’re on that purge planet and they take shelter in a light house where morty has to listen to..

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Somewhat clever idea, very poorly executed

Review from Unsouled →

Let me start by saying I’m new to the cultivation genre, and perhaps this is simply a case of the genre not being “for me”. This is, however, my 2nd dip into the genre, and I find this entry to be far and away less-compelling. First off, Baldree’s narration is fantastic—energetic, articulate, well-differentiated character voices,..

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