View: tbaldree - page 236

Waste of time

Review from Uncrowned →

I binged the books up to this one in a week. 90% of this book felt like a waste in the end because how it ended. I can’t say what would be better maybe the ending works but the first 90% doesn’t fit with it for me. I think it’s time for me to take..

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He said, he said, he said

Review from The Second Betrayal →

I have found the story interesting enough to keep listening, I’ve enjoyed the banter and characters. But there are a couple things I struggled with. First, each time a character speaks, it is written, so and so said, then so and so said. There are at least a dozen ways to say “said” without using..

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Loved it

Review from Wintersteel →

This one is just another great addition except with way more “wow” moments. You get chills and are completely invested in finding out what will happen next! Currently downloading the next book and terrified of running thru them all too quickly!

I’m conflicted

Review from A Snake’s Life →

On one hand the MC is great and I liked him a lot for the most part on the other hand the side characters he meets add nothing. They’re some of the most bland characters I’ve ever listened to. Not sure if I’ll continue with this series or not. The length of the book is..

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