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Watered down Dragonball Z.

Review from Divergence →

Imagine if you will, if someone grew up on dragon ball, with its fun and silly magical world filled with witches and wizards and magical creatures. Then added a character straight from Dragonball Z and transported them in to Dragonball. Then got rid of the best parts of all of them and only told the..

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Ive got some issues…

Review from A Snake’s Path →

so in the first book we established the system, where he was from, his goal, the time scale we would be working with, as well letting us know he knows what the world tree is due to his worlds knowledge. In book 2 the sytem randomly changes with no explanation, how that got through editing..

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Wasted Potential

Review from Shadeslinger →

This story had and interesting idea and a isolated protagonist on his way to being likeable and open, but dropped the ball. Ned [the main character] is someone who is selfish, not in the fun or creative way, but the sad way. It feels like its for sympathy for his actions and accept them regardless..

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Wondrous. Epic. Empty.

Review from Wintersteel →

Hahaha … Darude Sandstorm! Once again, a masterful following of Lindon and Team through their own personal journeys. Simply … addicting. I’m not going to financially recover from buying all 11(?) books this month…


Review from Blackflame →

the 1st was definitely great and the second was good but the 3rd was riveting and very exciting. I have to say I’m in love with concept of a dragon turtle and the blue river spirit isn’t so bad either. Will Wright, your mind is a great thing and I really appreciate you sharing it…

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definitely a must

Review from Shadeslinger →

Honestly, I didn’t know what to make of it at first, but the more I listened the better it got. Frank is absolutely hysterical. I loved the plot progression and the character development. Travis Baldree does an amazing job narrating. 2 thumbs up👍👍.