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Truly poor continuity

Review from Arsenal →

The series already has a lot of time skips and location changing that was difficult to keep track of, but this book truly makes no sense as far as pacing goes. Events occur and are jumped between so rapidly that you don’t even know how you got to that point to begin with.

Wow good book just one thing

Review from Shadeslinger →

Hey guys I loved this book.well written,keeps you engaged and a lot of funny moments.the only thing I don’t like as a big gamer is the over use of the word,enemies or just enemy are strongly avoided.I play lots of rpg game and the word mob refers to more then one enemy being..

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Book good, narration not so much

Review from Soulsmith →

Kept zoning out with with narrators voice and lack of adequate differentiation between characters. Sometimes I couldn’t tell who was who, or what was going on just cause the narrator. I went back chapters very often and it ended up getting just too boring to continue even though the writing itself was good

Excellent story

Review from Unsouled →

This is an excellent story and well worth reading. I have started my second reread. The main characters are like-able and endearing. I just can’t get enough of this series. Well done

Starting to lose attention and interest.

Review from Wintersteel →

Starting to lose attention and interest. Droz is awful. So much build up for very little reward or satisfaction. Fights are few and quick powerful they may be. Some of the judge/azreial/sirial stuff could have been a separate book, or explained in less time.