View: tbaldree - page 20

Fun story

Review from The Flaw in All Magic →

Fantasy is not my immediate go to these days, but I needed a break from sci-fi after a couple bad misadventures. this story delivered in the distraction I was looking for, mostly due to the Travis, the narrator. he did an excellent job providing the right amount of zeal to the story, and distinctive voices..

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Review from Ranger Boxed Set →

Book is entertaining, but at times goes into too many directions. My question to the author is how does he plan on having the main protagonist learn to be a better wizard.

My start to Cradle

Review from Unsouled →

I was hooked from from the start! The cover with kanji (Japanese pronunciation of Chinese characters) has a couple of meanings; kara=empty or sora=sky. It’s perfect for the first book! It is fitting. Not to put in spoilers but to start with zero, no natural affinity then be able to grow for oneself makes a..

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great story!

Review from The Flaw in All Magic →

the idea that non magical beings could win in a fight against magical was well done in this story. I enjoyed Katika’s (I’m not sure of how to spell her name, since I was listening instead of using my eyes) character and the interactions with Tane (same issue). this was an entertaining listen while driving..

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