View: tbaldree - page 185

the ultimate average series.

Review from Uncrowned →

I’ve listened to 6 books in this series so I think I have a good grasp of it all. so let me help at least 1 person out. this is NOT a 5 star series. most people give it 5 stars based upon what? so the story goes as follows. Lyndon grows up no powers..

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Review from Unsouled →

I love this genre and purchased the first and second books based on the excellent reviews but I just don’t like the writing. The narrator is good but the book itself was a slog to get through. Apparently a lot of people like this series but to me the writing is stilted, convoluted without being..

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Review from Soulsmith →

The series got great reviews so I pushed through the first book even though there was not a single character worth caring about, most especially the protagonist. After about half of book 2 I decided I’d rather go back into the infantry than go any further. The narrator is very good, the books ( 1&2)..

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Ballad of a Line Cutter.

Review from Shadeslinger →

You know those kind of insufferable Karen-type people who think the world revolves around them, and that they deserve not just success, but specifically *better* treatment than everyone else? This story is essentially a celebration of that kind of “me me me” entitled ass attitude. The MC is the kinda guy who probably drives recklessly..

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